NUFORC UFO Sighting 43950

Occurred: 1977-08-15 23:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2005-05-14 08:37 Pacific
Duration: 30 min
No of observers: 1

Location: Interstate 65 (Alabama/Tennessee), AL, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Emitted beams

was I dreaming or what

UFO Experience To this day I have never gotten over my strange encounter experience that occurred once upon a time around August of 1977. While driving on I-65 going south through Alabama/Tennessee and it was late at night probably around 11 pm as well, I truly had a close encounter with whatever, which is all I can say.

At the time my now ex-wife was sleeping beside me in the car so she new nothing about it as it was happening and when I woke her up after this event was over she shrugged it off as a figment of my imagination even though she noticed that I was flushed and sweaty.

What occurred was that I saw a very large and extremely bright light that reminded me of a locomotive train light just behind me about 50yds or so just appear suddenly and it followed me at the same pace but its movement was so strange to me as I noticed because it didn't fluxuate with the contour of the road as I was moving or was I and there was no sound as if a helicopter.

I wanted to alert my wife but I felt controlled as if in a trance or some hypnotic mind control and the only thing I felt that I could do was to only use my eyes to just look in the forward direction which caused me to keep glancing in the rear view mirror from time to time and as well, I noticed my palms were sweaty but for sure this was all I was allowed to do, I felt controlled to only be able to keep my hands on the wheel.

It seemed like for ages even though in this report I say maybe a half hour and just as it appeared so did it suddenly disappear but to tell you the truth, I don't really remimber how long that this occurrence was happening or maybe time was standing still or whatever, I don't really know.

The other thing that I keep going over and over in my mind besides the light is that I noticed there were no cars in either direction all the time this occurrence was happening up until it was gone which also seemed strange for an interstate highway

But anyway the years have passed and the other day I was watching the history channel on ufo's and strange sightings so I was compelled to go on the net and do a little surfing and your site came up and well, now you know mine. I never felt comfortable talking about this subject even to this day but it seems like a lot of people are coming forward so, why not I.

Posted 2005-05-24

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