NUFORC UFO Sighting 43176
Occurred: 2002-01-05 20:00 LocalReported: 2005-03-26 01:33 Pacific
Duration: 10 seg
No of observers: 1
Location: Buenos Aires (Argentina), , Argentina
Shape: Light
Rare "star"
I was watching a sunset with my dog on a chair, and without not cause, i decided to watch the sky, and i saw the transcition of the day, half of sky was day, an the other half was night, some stars began to appear, single only. and one of them, was different if you compare it to the others, this was to much big, and i start to watch it strange star, with attention, and it's become to drain, ... to a point when this strange "star", was very small, then this "star" move very fast to the left and then to the right very very fast and dissapiared. Well this is wath i saw that day, i don't know what i saw, it was very strange, i never see a thing like that before, and, i would like to know what i saw, if this website have any information of any "classification" of these strange sightings done by people, please send me a mail with the explication of this "thing", and the classification of the sighting.
mi mail is ((e-address deleted)) well, i wait for a mail...
Posted 2005-05-24
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