NUFORC UFO Sighting 43091
Occurred: 2005-03-21 01:20 LocalReported: 2005-03-20 06:04 Pacific
Duration: 1:46
No of observers: 1
Location: Palmerston North, , New Zealand
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Emitted other objects, Changed Colo
Red, White and Green Flashing object in Palmerston North, New Zealand
I went out side for a cigarette and I noticed a bright light (brighter then anything other star in the sky) flashing pinkish red, white and teal green in the sky.
It took under a second for the colours to change from red to white to green.
I watched the object for about 5 minutes, it occasionally moved side to side and at one point i saw a small whiteish ball come off then merge back into the flashing object. It appeared to stay in the same location so I went in side to grab the binoculars. When I came back the object had moved further away in a southern direction.
I looked at it through my binoculars and it appeared to have a slight haze around it whereas the other stars I looked at in the sky did not. At this point it appeared to be moving side to side and up and down, but when I looked at it though my binoculars it appeared to be somewhat still. At this point I was lying on the ground trying to stabilize my binoculars.
I moved out of site of the object for about 30 seconds and by the time I returned the object was gone.
The object was sighted in the west not far above the horizon.
I attempted to take some photos with my phones digital camera (Sharp GX-15) they show the objects location in the sky.
Posted 2005-05-11
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