NUFORC UFO Sighting 43060

Occurred: 1972-05-05 22:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2005-03-19 06:31 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 10

Location: Dannevirke (New Zealand), , New Zealand

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects

Big blue light with many smaller varied coloured lights going to and away from it

Hi ((name deleted)) here in New Zealand, I'm ((40's)) years now, this happened at the age of 12 going on 13. I was sent from my hometown of Christchurch to the North Island to the town/now city of Dannevirke to spend a year boarding at the High School. I was in the B dormitory with nine others, it was late and we were talking quietly as you do. My bed was at the far end of the room I got up and was sitting on the ground next to a friend. I was sitting on the inner sill talking when I looked out the window, it was quite interesting I saw a bright blue light that shifted colours over a long period with smaller light glowing at its side/bottom (it was just outstanding and quite beautiful in clarity) above what would have been to me the main road of Dannevirke I can say this as it was a beautiful clear crisp night. I sat and watched for about 5 minutes while up to 10 at a time in about 30 second intervals other coloured lights came and went to the big blue light. Please remember I was 12 and no impression of anything was in my mind about what I saw, it was just lights going to a bigger blue light. I whispered to everyone to come look.

We sat there for about half an hour watching the lights go back and forth, we saw by the way the light got smaller and bigger as they went to the big light that we could judge a distance and we agreed that it was about where I said, that would put it about 1 mile away and perhaps half a mile in the air. The teacher patrolling the dormitories came in and was quite angry we were all out of our beds. We showed him the lights but were to scared to say any more, he watched for about one minute then pulled the curtains and sent us to bed. I had never seen anything before this and never since.

I run my own computer repair company here in Christchurch, happily married with a 22 year old daughter who has just become an accountant. I just typed in google "ufo" and found this site, I will not be posting again anywhere and I am not interested in any way about ufo's. We are a Christian family and I have no conflict of what I saw. I just say it as I saw it and form no conclusions at all about it. I see it in my minds eye as clear as that night still. It was interesting. If I can add : This happening would have been seen by a lot of people and I would think it would have been noted somewhere so if you find any information from the night please post or email me if you would be so kind.

Thanks, ((name deleted)).


Witness indicates that date is approximate. PD

Posted 2005-04-16

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