NUFORC UFO Sighting 42852
Occurred: 2005-03-08 19:20 LocalReported: 2005-03-10 04:18 Pacific
Duration: 10 min.
No of observers: 7
Location: Milano (Italy), , Italy
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
Great "Globe of Light" on the italian sky on March the 8. 2005
From the Ligurian Ufological Center.
We have received these two event descriptions from Mr. F. M. and his friends and from Mrs. E. that we are glad to submit to your attention (sorry for the bed translation in english)
"On the day 8 March, at the 19.20-19.30, together with other 6 friends we were stopping by the motorway restaurant near Milan, direction Genoa; the sky was clear,
suddenly an enormous bright sphere appears at an altitude of around 5000 mt., west-east direction, in front of the constellation of Orion. The bright sphere slowly stirred, lightening more and more ; the sphere has remained suspended without moving for about one minute, then two airplanes have arrived, one would have passed under it, the other on the side.
The globe first went out and then it comes on again, becoming bigger than before and again it starts moving quickly, to go off then suddenly when one of the two airplanes was passing under it . I had already heard about the "globes of light" and seen the video-tapes of the Ligurian Ufological Center, but I was at the same time captivated and sceptic. Now I am even more intrigued since I have seen with my own eyes this extraordinary event and I am not alone, also my friends and their wives have seen it. We all agree in to say that what we have seen is an ufological phenomenon.
Now we wonder: what will they say those pilots of the airplanes that have surely sighted it? F.M. & c." "I am passionate of UFO, even if have never be so luck to see one. But yesterday evening 8 march around 7.30 p.m., from the balcony of my home I've seen a great brighting star running in the sky; suddenly it went off when two airplanes were arriving near it. Was it a globe of light like those in New Mexico?" E.
Posted 2005-05-11
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