NUFORC UFO Sighting 42468

Occurred: 1989-06-04 22:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2005-02-26 11:15 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 4

Location: Adjuntas (Puerto Rico), PR, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams

Disc that emmited beams of light....

To whomever this may concern: When I was about twelve years old I vacationed at Puerto Rico. There were many UFO phenomena ocurring there at the time.

This one night I stayed at an aunt's house and I remember just like it was now, it was ten-thirty p.m. my cousin and I were almost asleep when we heard a humming sound.

My aunt yelled out for us to look, my bed was next to a window and when I looked out I saw this disc right on of the windows location it was only aproximately three stories above the ground from us. I saw it from underneath, it had many lights that made up a circle only not on the edge of the disc but in the center. the lights were of different colors(red,green,and yellow but I can't say for sure which colors) some of the lights blinked in a timely fashion others wouldn't blink staying lit all the while. We immeadiately went outside to get a better look but as soon as we got outside it immeadiately but slowly drifted away. My aunt and uncle tried photographing it as it was drifting away but solely I noticed that as they were photographing it there were invisible beams of light that were pointing at the camera. These lights were'nt visible, I noticed because I saw the lights reflect on the inside of the house(going through the windows and showing on walls of the inside of the house). The photos didn't develope, I believe it was directly because of these beams that only I saw. This is the first time I've reported this and let me add that I am a completely sane and serious person who is studying to become a pastor and social worker.


Witness indicates that date of sighting is approximate. PD

Posted 2005-05-11

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