NUFORC UFO Sighting 42460

Occurred: 1986-08-02 23:00 Local
Reported: 2005-02-26 10:17 Pacific
Duration: 6 hrs
No of observers: 2

Location: Tuolumne, CA, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

Disk shaped, red lights circling the outside, flying on the treeline in the high country in the Sierra Nevada

This is only one of many experiences I have had. I wrote down as much as I could remember back in 1986 and saved it. It was suggested by a local man who had been studying UFO phenomenon since the age of 13 that I write it down. This is only one entry I wrote in a Journal over a two month period.

August 2, 1986 I went camping overnight at Clarks Fork. It was at dusk when I noticed a small bright light directly above me, the sky had no stars out yet and this light was close and glowing. It is my 21st birthday and my boyfriend and I are going to go to Kennedy Meadows for a drink.

It is dark now approximately 9:30, we are driving toward the main hwy to go to Kennedys. We both see a very large bright glowing light up to my right of the car, just above the treeline. It is moving along as we do then over the mountain and it waits. It moves ahead the waits, then moves ahead then waits.

By now I am telling my boyfriend I do not want to go anywhere. I want to watch them.I can feel that they are here.

We are approaching the bridge at Clarks Fork I asked my boyfriend to park facing the object because it is in front of the car, low in the sky its very large and glowing. We watched it for what seemed forever. It is hovering there, moving to to the right then back in front of us. It is much larger than the one I have seen at home maybe because it is closer, like the night on the way back from Tahoe, really big and close.I asked them in my mind to come closer so I can see them then it comes closer then stops. I feel they do not think it is time. I don't know how I feel that, I just do.

My boyfriend actually agrees it is really a UFO, he sees the way it is moving. Now he believes me. While we have been watching, he noticed a yellow one to our left side, not moving,glowing big just like the white one to our left side. Then the yellow one moves slowly away back toward the mountain as we decide to go back to the campground.

They are both followed us. The yellow one stays more in back and the white one moves more in front. I am looking up and around to spot them. They are here, I am comfortable with that. As we went to sleep in our sleeping bags in the back of the truck, I am watching the white one up through the trees toward the Dardnells. The yellow one is behind us but still in sight.

All of a sudden a disk shaped craft with red lights all the way around moved past the white one circling, its spinning as it hovers horizontally across the tree tops; moved past the white one circling in the air. It has landed I believe, but it came from nowhere and went very low. God, there is no noise. Oh my god I can't believe it. It is round. I looked for it but it was gone I believe there are several crafts here, I feel the presence. I am to tired to stay awake. I hope they come see me tonight.

I had a cup of water in a white styro foam cup and set it on the edge of the truck bed toward the cab and asked them in my mind to take it so I'd know they were there. It was gone in the morning, nowhere in camp to be found anywhere. I never did have that drink and no alcohol this night.

I attended a MUFON meeting here in the area many years ago. One man wanted to put me under hypnosis, but I had lost time and been visited in my bedroom and felt scared, part of me still is afraid.

I do know that they meant me no harm because they kept me from panic, they stopped that physiologically in my body, but they used their minds to do it. Now I am ready to find out what happened all of those times. I have had sightings since the age of 8 or so and then visits.

Please contact me. Please, I am 39 going on 40 this year and I want to know finally.Thank you for your time.

Posted 2005-05-11

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