NUFORC UFO Sighting 42391
Occurred: 2002-12-03 18:40 LocalReported: 2005-02-25 13:12 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 0
Location: Farmingdale, NY, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
A large triangle or boomerang shaped craft, making no sound glided over my house.
I was outside my house saying goodbye to my visiting daughter. It was December 03 2002, a cold clear night.
A movement in the sky caused me to look up and at first glance, I thought it was a flock of birds. I realized very quickly, that it was not. It was some sort of craft, shaped like a triangle or a boomerang.
I dont know how high the craft was but it was very large. It was dark at the time, but I could clearly see the outline of the craft. On the underside, as it passed over, I could see fluorescent type lights, equally spaced, under the craft.
There must have been at least ten of these lights. The strange thing about this sighting was that there was not a sound as it passed overhead,It just sort of glided over my house moving toward the southwest. I was amazed at the sighting.
I have never seen anything like it before.
Posted 2005-05-24
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