NUFORC UFO Sighting 42365

Occurred: 1997-07-16 20:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2005-02-25 09:26 Pacific
Duration: 10min
No of observers: 1

Location: Mojave, CA, USA

Shape: Light

Small triangular formations in desert sky, forming into larger triangle formation

Watching the night sky over the Mojave desert, I noticed a small light traveling across the sky from East to West, assumed it was a satillite, but as I watched a triangle formation joined it, traveling at the same speed.

As I watched, more of these formations joined them and formed a larger triangle consisting of the smaller triangle formations. That is, 3 at the head of the triangle three at each of the points of the triangle.(9) I was within 10 miles of Edwards Air Force base and thought at first it was something from there, but as I watched more and more of the "lights" joined the first til the sky was full of them.

They flew slowly from East to West and disappeared into a cloud cover emerging from the West.

Except for the clouds coming from the west, it was a clear brilliant night, stars clearly visible. No moonlight at that time.


Witness indicates that date of sighting is approximate. PD

Posted 2005-05-24

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