NUFORC UFO Sighting 42360

Occurred: 1974-07-22 14:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2005-02-25 08:45 Pacific
Duration: 45 minutes
No of observers: 6

Location: Gulf of Mexico (18 mi. from Bay County), FL, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

My brother and I were anchored and fishing in our 19' boat about 200' from a Navy Undersea Warfare Research Platform, 18 miles from Panama City, FL, with absolutely clear skies, when two craft approached from the south in perfect unison with no sound at about 40mph. They had no markings, perfectly metallic with a parting line on the center circumference, purplish color on the bottom and silver on the top, about the length of a 727.

We quickly ruled out earthly origin. They stopped above the platform, then without turning, went southeast about 1/4 mile, hovered, reversed and came back to a stationary position above the platform. During this time, Navy frogmen in wetsuits were attempting to enter a rubber raft at the base of the platform but after seeing the craft, they climbed back up the ladder of the platform and re-entered.

In about two seconds, the craft 'bulleted' away at about a 45 degree angle back toward the same southerly approach direction and were invisible. A few seconds later, two phantom jets, apparently from Tyndal AFB in Panama City, roared at about 100' over our boat and "chased" the craft at the direction and angle of ascent as the craft had departed. The impression I had was of a puppy trying to catch a speeding car. I had recently been discharged as an ROTC Army Officer and my brother from the Coast Guard. If I'd had my recently purchased SLR camera with its 210mm telephoto lens, given that most of the time we were 300-400' from these craft, there would be little doubt today of the existence of UFO's. (made several typo corrections after clicking the 'submit report' button, sorry)


Witness indicates that date of sighting is approximate. PD

Posted 2005-04-16

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