NUFORC UFO Sighting 42341
Occurred: 1962-08-01 23:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2005-02-25 06:05 Pacific
Duration: 5 min.
No of observers: 2
Location: Ship's Bottom, NJ, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object
Object seen 11PM, Aug., 1962 or 1963 over ocean, Ship's Bottom, NJ.
It has been a long time since this event occurred. It happened in August of either 1962 or 1963. I was visiting my aunt at the Jersey shore. We deceided to take her dog for a walk around 11PM. We walked up to the beach road where we could see the shore and the ocean. An object was in the sky. It wasn't an airplane because it moved too slowly. It wasn't a helicopter because it moved too smoothly and made no noise. It had yellow and white lights. We could not make out the shape but by the position of the lights, I'd say it was curved. It came in our direction, hovered, then took off at an acute angle without the body of the ship changing direction. It sped off quickly and disappeared over the ocean. We never reported it.
Vehicle seen over Ship's Bottom (Long Beach Island) in 1960's when walking dog around 11PM.
(I posted this a couple of days ago but I don't see it) In August of 1962 or 1963, my aunt and I took her dog for a walk around 11PM. We saw a UFO with white and yellow lights. It moved too slowly to be an airplane, and glided too smoothly to be a helicopter. It made no noise. We watched it for a few minutes until it too off at on a sharp angle without turning around. It disappeared over the Atlantic. I would say it was going northeast in the direction of NYC. We never reported it then. I'm pretty sure the month was not earlier than August and certainly not later than Labor DAy weekend. We could not make out its shape. By the position of the lights, I'd say it had some curves.
Time and date are approximate. PD
Posted 2005-04-16
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