NUFORC UFO Sighting 42338

Occurred: 1999-11-14 01:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2005-02-25 01:55 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 0

Location: Milton (Canada), ON, Canada

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

ok... this is my first online description of my experience..

I was driving home like normal, straight up Steeles Ave., Milton Area, right through up the escarpment... ok.. there are some railroad tracks on steeles avenue, about 15 feet after peru road.

That is when I noticed two white lights above the mountain to which I was heading to. I continued over these tracks, at the time thinking this was just a low flying private airplane concerned about the bad weather. At the time there were tornado warnings broadcasted throughout the area, mostly cottage countries...

However, it seemed to me that these two white lights were stationary as I headed towards them. While I came between the 100 or so meters between my car and the object which separated us, I realized that this craft was indeed hovering in its position.................

now it is for real...

i hate sceptics... i lost sight of this craft while I turned a corner on my incline up the escarpment... the trees were too high for me to see the thing... but once I reared the corner, I saw It in all of Its glory... OMG.. it had just finished turning around in a 180 degree fashion.. umm.. i crept up slowly.. it was right above my head and it travelled a speed of less than 10 K/M per hour...

I ducked my head out of the window and i noticed it made no sound at all.. fear.. fear is all i felt and i entered my car again and left the scene.. I wish I stayed longer to see what the craft would do, but I fled in fear.. fear.. fear....

I can draw exactly what this craft looks like.. there was only 50 feet or less between my eyes and the machine itself.. it has an elongated cockpit with a couple of mini wings on either end behind the standard cockpit seat... then there is an outstretched wingspan with a concave ending.. the tips of the wings have bright white lights upon them.. the underside of the craft is unmarked.. there are two rows of lights here, not as bright as the wing tips.. one side is red, the other green.. i do not remember which is where.. there was also some sort of bay door on the underside of the craft..... I was directly below this.... I dont know if they took me or not...

I would really appreciate however, if anyone has seen this aircraft.. I hear it can fly away at super speeds, something I did not stay around to witness.. I can draw exactly what this thing is.. if I had a camera... I would be rich i think.....


Witness indicates that date of sighting is approximate. PD

Posted 2005-05-24

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