NUFORC UFO Sighting 42326

Occurred: 2005-02-24 20:40 Local
Reported: 2005-02-24 23:33 Pacific
Duration: 1min 30 sec
No of observers: 2

Location: Tacoma, WA, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

Ball of light floating in mid air at nightime then slowly fades away.

I was sitting on my couch facing the sliding glass door that looks over commencment bay. We actually were watching the Peter Jennings ABC speacial UFO's Seeing is believeing. We had waited all week for the show.

The show started at 8 pm it was at about 8:40 or a little earlier that I looked out the window. I had opened the curtains just incase something like this actually happend. My 4 year old was sick laying on the couch, My wife was holding our 4 months old in her arms sitting in the easy chair. She was facing the TV with her right side to the windows.

I looked out the windows and noticed a ball of light that was not moving but just sitting in the sky. I'm used to seeing airplanes flying in the sky out that same window. We are really close to McCord airforce base and Seatac airport.

The thing that caught my attention was that it was not moving but sitting still way above east Tacoma on the oppisite side of the water. It had a white light but also a orangiesh color. I ran and grabbed my digital camera and took a blurry shot of it. I sat and watched it for about 10 seconds. Untill it slowly faded away. At this time planes were flying in the foregraound and in the air.

I told my wife and she remained sittig n the easy chair holding the baby. I said that was wierd and sat down to watch the rest of the show.

About 5 minutes later I saw it again. This time I ran and grabbed our digital video camera. I took footage of it for over a sec. It then did that same thing that it did earlier and fadeed out of the night sky. I did not have my tripod so I went and grabbed it and but the canera on it. I told my wife "If I see that again I'll be trippin!!" Soon it appeared again. I got the camera and took about 2 seconds of footage of it untill it faded away again.

I have digitazed the footage and will send you a version of the full thing.

I'm not sure what is going on right now in our times and world but I feel that something is different. I've also ran into a lot of Nikola Tesla information lately and find that to be very interesting. He may hold a link to how this is acheivable.

I hope the footage is helpfull.


Tacoma Washington


Possible sighting of Sirius?? PD

Posted 2005-04-16

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