NUFORC UFO Sighting 4230
Occurred: 1998-07-10 22:15 LocalReported: 1998-07-10 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: San Angelo, TX, USA
Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
We saw five lights in the southwest sky that changed formation and disappeared. All within a matter of about 5-10 seconds.
There were five lights that had an orange hue in a straight parrallel line at approximately the 2:00 position in the southwest sky. The second and fourth light dropped down below the line and formed a W...then the third light dropped down to form a U. And then they were gone. Vanished. We were driving down the road when we saw this. Passenger spotted these lights out the passenger window with the window rolled down. Passenger asked driver what those lights were. Driver looked out window and saw same. Driver pulled off road. Trees obstructed view for a second. We looked back up when we were off the road away from the trees. They were gone. There was an airplane in the air going towards the lights when we were pulled off the road. It made a big circle and went in to the airport. We cannot explain what is was that we saw. The lights did not behave like anything we've known. and landed.
Posted 1998-11-21
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