NUFORC UFO Sighting 42231
Occurred: 1969-08-27 21:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2005-02-24 20:01 Pacific
Duration: 10-15min
No of observers: 1
Location: Enfield, ME, USA
Shape: Oval
The object would stop and move and then blink off and be somewhere else in the sky. And started moving again but at a slow pace!
Hi, Saw the Peter Jennings report tonight and thought it was time to finally report this.
The year was 1969 late August. We were leaving to come back to Pennsylvania the next and my mother's whole family was there that night. As everybody was talking and saying goodby I started watching the western sky and saw what I thought was a plane moving north along the western horizon. At first I didn't think much about and watch it move slowly along. I had moved away from where my family was at the time and kept watching this so called plane. The it did something very strange. It stop dead, right in the middle of the sky. Then it started to move high but straight toward our house. It was very high in the sky. Like the hight of a jet. Then it just stop again and started moving in another direction. It kept stoping and moving and I knew that it wasn't a plane or a satelite. Then it just blink out of site. For a moment I look around the sky and there it was again. To describe how far it had moved in less then 10-15 seconds would be like looking at the hands of a clock and watch the big hand move from 9:00 t0 3:00 in a blink of an eye. It did this several times and when I went to tell my family it was gone. I had to have watching this object at least 10 mins or more.
Some time in the seventies I heard or read in the paper someone describe seeing an object in the sky moving just like I saw. I kept it to my self except for some close friends over the years but to no one else.
Witness indicates that date of sighting is approximate. PD
Posted 2005-04-16
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