NUFORC UFO Sighting 42218

Occurred: 1953-06-15 13:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2005-02-24 19:50 Pacific
Duration: 5 min
No of observers: 7

Location: Fort Worth, TX, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

A silver "dot" jets from Carswell AFB chased in the early 50's.

In the early 50's I was just a child, but I still remember the day when my Mother, two other neighborhood women, and a couple of kids where in our front yard and we saw the jets from Carswell AFB in the sky. Jets were a big deal in that day and time, so we all stopped what we were doing to get a look at the jets. I remember my Mother and the other neighbor women pointing at the jets and then one of them asked, " What is that in front of them there?" We all shaded our eyes and looked closer. All I could make out was a silver "dot". "Are the jets chasing that thing? Oh, my gush! Did you see that?" One of the women asked. What I had saw was three jets chaseing after a silver dot. The "dot" stopped, shot stright up from it's position, the jets flew under it, the "dot" dropped back to it's orginal position and then shot stright back in the direction it had appeared from and was out of sight by the time the jets had made a full turn around. It was just: forward, up (jets flew under it and started to turning), down, and gone. I remember one of the women said, " it never turned around, it just went up and back down and now it is gone..." " That thing was too fast to of been a helicopter or another plane" My Mom stated.


Time and date are estimated. We have assigned an arbitrary date in 1953. PD

Posted 2005-04-16

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