NUFORC UFO Sighting 42207
Occurred: 1961-12-26 20:00 LocalReported: 2005-02-24 19:42 Pacific
Duration: one or two minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Forestburg, TX, USA
Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Landed
Round brilliant white object hovered and then slowly descended behind a hill in a remote area without making a noise.
We had just arrived at my Grandmother's house for Christmas in December 1961. My parents and I had just traveled from Oklahoma to the North Texas Town of Forestburg. My Grandmother lived three miles outside of Forestburg in the country. Forestburg itself is and was then a very small remote town with few residents. After arriving at my Grandmother's house I decided to go back out to the car to get my Christmas gifts and bring them into the house. When I went out the door onto the front porch I immediately saw a brilliant white light hovering in the sky. I would guess it was no more than a mile away. The object was bright, white and round. It was about the size of three full moons. Since I do not know how far away it was, I have no idea just how large it was. It was approx. at 20 degrees on the horizon. The object began going down and took about 30 seconds for it to slowly descend behind a hill with trees in the distance. It made absolutely no noise. The area was a remote hilly area with pastures and trees. I ran into the house and told my mom and dad but they would not even look out the door. The next morning I asked my dad to drive us to the pasture because I was convinced we would see something. My dad would not even take me to the pasture. I was in the first grade at the time but have an excellent memory of the event. I have talked many times about it to my mother, wife and my own kids. I am the owner of an oilfield service company. I have a college degree in accounting and am a very responsible person with no other experiences such as this.
Posted 2005-04-16
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