NUFORC UFO Sighting 42197
Occurred: 2005-02-23 19:30 LocalReported: 2005-02-24 19:39 Pacific
Duration: seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Hoover (Bluff Park), AL, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Electrical or magnetic effects
triangle in the air in front of Bluff Park School flew towards the valley and vanished
My sister and I were driving to aikido training. Right before we got to Bluff Park Elementary School, we saw very bright lights in the sky moving right to left about 150 feet in the air. We thought it was an airplane. It was so low it looked it was going to land, but we are 16 miles from the nearest airport. When the lights came across in front of the car, we saw that it was a large triangle the size of a jet liner. It was gray and the bright lights were lined up along the edges of the triangle. Right after we saw it, it vanished. It was pouring rain but didn't look like it went into the clouds because, as bright as it was, we would have seen the lights shining throught the clouds for at least a few more seconds. Instead, it simply vanished.
I called my mom right then to tell her. She said that it would have gone over our house from the direction it was traveling seconds before we saw it, but she never heard anything. We never heard anything either, although the transmission in my car suddenly slipped very hard and the car hesitated when the triangle went over us.
There were only white lights on it, no red or green or any other color.
Student report. PD
Posted 2005-04-16
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