NUFORC UFO Sighting 42116

Occurred: 2005-02-17 18:00 Local
Reported: 2005-02-24 14:34 Pacific
Duration: 25 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Tucker, GA, USA

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object

Group of sporadic flashing lights traveling across the sky on feb 17 in Tucker Georgia

I was heading out my works door at about 6-ish maybe a little bit before that and noticed a very stange formation up in the sky. Basically what I saw was a group of intermintent lights that had no distinct shape traveling very high up in the sky together. It was almost like flares that were lighting and then extinguishing or perhaps mirrors reflecting the sunsrays. One thought that I had was that somebody had done a balloon releases and used those silver reflective balloons. I don't know what direction the wind was blowing and they would have been moving at speeds comparable to that of an jet aircraft and they were traveling much higher than any commercial airplanes in the area. You could see the clouds and sky in between the lights but still the lights traveled small group. Also there were no strangling lights, all the lights appeared and disappeared within that group. One very strange thing about this is that I could not see the lights without my sunglasses on. At first when I saw the objects in the sky I thought that I had scratched my sunglasses. When I took the sunglasses off and could not see the formation and had to put them back on to locate it again. I tested this a few times. It definately was not scratched sunglasses. I did take a picture with my cell phone, well actually two pictures but I can't really see much on my cell phone and I'm not sure exactly how I am suppose to email them to myself. Also at some point while I was watching this thing cross the sky, at one point about 7 lights lined very distinctly on the front of the flying group. That was really the only patter I saw. Even when the 7 lights lite up they still had other lights behind it sporatically going on and off. If this is something of interest an not already explained I'd be happy to give better details.

Posted 2005-04-16

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