NUFORC UFO Sighting 41963
Occurred: 2003-09-20 18:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2005-02-15 11:22 Pacific
Duration: 30 sec
No of observers: 0
Location: Saugus, MA, USA
Shape: Disk
Black disc with no lights seen in broad daylight.
I was playing a gig at the Rockpile in Saugus, Mass... I had alerady loaded my equipment in, and I was outside by the entrance smoking a cigarette. It was overcast, but still daylight out. I looked up and out of the clouds, coming directly towards me was a small, round disc. No lights. It appeared to be black, or at least very dark. It descended out of the clouds, and couldn;t have been very high, as it was underneath the clouds and in plain sight. I was struck by how straight it was traveling. It made no sound, and it went DIRECTLY over my head, and continued on a straight path, and as it flew away, it ascended very slightly, until it was back in the clouds and that was it. It was small. It couldn't have been any bigger than a Yugo. That was one of the weird things about it... it was very small, but it moved on an obviously deliberate path. I could almost feel a vibration, but there was no sound. That's the best way that I can explain it. I felt it, but couldn't hear it. There were at least 7 other people outside at the time, and not one other person looked up or said anything. I didn't dare say anthing... not sure that i could've even if I'd wanted to. But let me repeat this. It was very very clear. I saw it with absolutely NO obstructions to my view... none. No lights on it. Black or very very dark. Round. Small. I kept thinking that it was like some sort of probe that you would see in the movies. I actually thought that as I was seeing it. I reported this to MUFON, and heard nothing from them. Very disappointing, because I saw it so very clearly.
But anyway, that's it.
Dear ((name deleted)),
Thank you very much for the interesting report!
Do you think you might be able to determine the exact date of the sighting? Do you have a handbill about your performance, fuel receipts, or credit card reports, for example, which might allow you to calculate the date precisely? Please let us know, if you would, and we will enter that data with your original report.
Thanks, again, for sharing the information with our Center!
Peter Davenport
I've talked to the other guys from ((name deleted)) (the band I was in at the time of the incident) and no one can remember the exact date of that show. We'd played the Rockpile numerous times for WAAF, and there were never any fliers for the show. I even tried searching through WAAF's website but came up empty. It was definitely sometime in Sept. of 2003.
As crazy as it sounds, I've seen far more than my share of UFO's in my lifetime... several were in broad daylight, all of them different, and totally inexplicable, including one that was followed by - I kid you not - a black helicopter sighting in broad daylight about 3 years ago in New Haven Connecticut.
My ex-wife was with me for both the UFO sighting and the subsequent black helicopter incident... very
strange, to say the least.
I'm no nut job, and although I am extremely interested in the subject, I am plenty skeptical,and even assess my own experiences with a touch of cynicism.
Thanks for the acknowledgement, and I'd be happy to furnish you with any other reports, past or future… It would be great if someone would just admit that someone is here. IN my own experience alone, there is far too much evidence to substantiate that assertion.
((name deleted))
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2005-02-22
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