NUFORC UFO Sighting 41948

Occurred: 2005-02-10 15:45 Local
Reported: 2005-02-14 19:31 Pacific
Duration: 15 sec
No of observers: 1

Location: Charlotte, NC, USA

Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Cigar shaped object observered in daytime traveling at a high rate of speed at high altitude.

The object was observed traveling at a high rate of speed from the southwest to the northeast above high scattered clouds. Declination from the horizon was about 85 degrees. No contrails or cloud distrubance was seen. The white object was crisply defined and brightly lite against the sky. The shape was flattened top and bottom with sharply oval ends(cigar shape) and traveled in a straight path. Its size seemed rather large for a distance object in space (i.e. satellite). A small plane and a commerial aircraft was seen just prior to the sighting, which is within the inner ring of Class B airspace of Charlotte International. This sighting was witnessed by my sixteen year old daughter while taking photos for a school project (film out at time of sighting). She found the experience to be distorting and upsetting and reported the incidence to me the next day. This report is being sumitted by her father who is an aircraft pilot. I believe the object to be a spacecraft, although its precise shape, daytime appearance and apparent closeness is puzzling. This report is part of our discussion and understanding of the sighting.

Posted 2005-02-22

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