NUFORC UFO Sighting 41915
Occurred: 2005-02-12 18:40 LocalReported: 2005-02-12 20:06 Pacific
Duration: ten minutes
No of observers: 0
Location: Hamilton (Canada), ON, Canada
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby
It had lights that were flashing, white and red, maybe even yellow (light) it was going faster then any plane I've ever seen.
Me and my friend were outside of her house. We just so happen to start talking about aliens and abductions, when out of the dark winter sky we seen an unclear shaped light that kept changing colours comming from the north-west heading towards us. At first we thought it was a UFO, but people joke around about that all the time. The craft was going much faster then a normal airplane. about at least 3 or 4 times faster. We got scared as the object at flight was moving farther away, yet looking as if it was to land. At the west another object at flight seemed to follow the craft, we believe it to have been an airplane. Just a bit after the airplane and object at flight had dissappeared, another, from the same spot as the other appeared it appeared. It looked exactly the same as the first object at flight, it may just have been the same one that just turned around. In the same amount as the other one took it dissappeared, in the same spot. The objects that are believede to be UFOs were just about 100 feet above the ground, or less.
Posted 2005-02-22
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