NUFORC UFO Sighting 41910
Occurred: 1958-04-17 21:30 Local - ApproximateReported: 2005-02-12 13:44 Pacific
Duration: 1 Hr 30 Min
No of observers: 300
Location: Winooski, VT, USA
Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object, Landed
object hovered, landed then left headed north traveling at 60Kmph, being tracked across USA by several radar sites.
I have several copies of newspaper clippings scanned into a PDF file that describe the event. It first appeared on the west coast and was reported to be a "fire ball".
It crossed the USA in three minutes. Observed and tracked by radar, it headed towards Plattsburg AFB. It came to a stop above the trees about 1/2 mile north of our house. Colored lights rotated around the sides of the object. Then it landed. Police and firemen arrived to rescue possible crashed flyers. Bad weather and a swollen creek prevented immediate access to the site. Object arose back above the trees after an hour and a half. Made a 90 turn and left in a northly direction. Newspaper report from town near Canadian border mentions residents seeing it's departure.
Date is approximate. We have invited the witness to share the articles with NUFORC. If we receive them, we will post them to our homepage. PD
Posted 2005-02-22
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