NUFORC UFO Sighting 41909
Occurred: 2005-02-12 01:00 LocalReported: 2005-02-12 08:27 Pacific
Duration: 4 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Bellingham, MA, USA
Shape: Circle
Circle of light traveling horizonal along a road
My girlfriend, who is 45, called me this morning excited to tell me that she and her friend had witnessed a UFO early this morning while driving home from a dance in Milford, MA.
They were driving south on Rt.126 in Bellingham, MA, ten minutes from the dancehall. They stopped at at T-intersection stop sign. No other cars were on the rural road nor people on the street at the time. My girlfriend was the passenger, so was able to get a better observation. She is a quite sane, college-educated professional person.
As they stopped at the T-intersection (to take a right turn on the two lane road) she saw a perfectly circular white light (which she said looked just like a full moon) come from the right, traveling along the road at a height of just three or four feet (eye level with the hood of the small car). There was a church directly in front of the stop sign on the other side of the road.
The object came directly in front of the car, traveling horizontally, no more than 100ft in front, then went straight up and over the church, where they lost sight of it.
She estimated the object was only about six feet in diameter. She said it was the size of dinner plate held at arms length. It made no sound. There were no flashing lights or changes in color from the original yellow-white. She also described it as one of the glow-in-the-dark frisbees turned on its side. It travelled fast, but not at blinding speed.
She said it move purposely. It did not stop in front of their car but kept moving. She did not know if it went up into the sky or just hopped over the church to the other side.
The driver made her right turn on to the cross road, the direction the object had come from. She said it travelled along the road from the right to the left, in front of the car, before going straight up over the church. They thought about going back to see if they could see it again but decided not to.
The car was traveling south from Milford into Bellingham, then took the right, going west on to the cross road. They were heading back to Lincoln, Rhode Island. There were no electrical problems with their car or missing time or any other anomalies, she said.
Addendum to Bellingham, MA, of 02/12/05.
This is an addendum to the sighting on this date: Later in the day after my girlfriend had called that morning to tell me of what they saw, I decided to call two police departments, Bellingham, and nearby Blackstone. Both dispachers told me that no one else had called about a UFO (I doubt they would have told me otherwise, anyway).
So, next, I called News Channel 10, WJAR, Providence. I spoke to news person, a young man, about what my girlfriend saw. He said, oh yeah, we had a few other reports from last night in that same area at about the same time. He went on to say that the previous night the same small circle of light had been seen in another town in Massachusetts, named Billerica. When nothing appeared on the news on Channel 10 that night I called back the next day to WJAR and asked why nothing was reported. A young woman said she didn't know, but maybe the editor, "Tim" could tell me. She went to look for Tim but said he was not available and I'd have to call back.
I had the feeling he didn't want to discuss it or the reasons it was not "newsworthy." Also, my girlfriend, upon further reflection of that night, said the object could well have been smaller than the six feet in diameter she originally thought it might be, but in no way any larger. So, other witnesses called in to the news station of that same sighting and one for the previous night, but of course, nothing on the news.
We express our gratitude to the source of the report, and congratulate him for his willingness to follow up on a report. PD
Posted 2005-02-22
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