NUFORC UFO Sighting 41902

Occurred: 1998-08-22 02:00 Local
Reported: 2005-02-11 23:30 Pacific
Duration: 18 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Madera/Manteca (on the hiway), CA, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams

not enogh room.

My freind and I drove around the US. At one point I awoke at about 2 am, my freind was driving and we pulled off the hiway to get gas, use restrooms and switch shifts. At some point we noticed a crunching sound on the road and when we pulled in to the fuel station it became apparent that there was a real swarm of crickets. Regular, large, healthy black crickets-everywhere. There were so many they were in the toilets and sinks, unavoidable and hopping everywhere. Strange. We thought. That is until we got back on the hiway. I had taken over driving. It was a pitch black night, in a seemingly unpopulated area. After looking at a map I'm sure it was somewhere between Madera and Manteca. As soon as we re-entered the hiway my peripheral vision noticed movement to the left, right out over a grassy area next to the hiway. As soon as I looked over, my freind noticed as well. I beleive she said with puzzlement something to the effect of 'what the hell is that?' At first glance it appeared as though it was connected to the ground and moving slowly north-the same as us. The reason it looked that way is because I've never seen anything in the air ever move that slow, except birds, helicopters, and maybe a ferris wheel. Plus it was seemingly vertically arranged. The only thing visible was a bright whitish/yellowish light on top and bottom,and three triangularly arranged bluish,reddish, and orangish lights placed equidistant between top and bottom. We estimate the total height to be 15-30 feet, probably closer to 30. Right after we noticed it, it was going the same speed as us, then it accelerated with ease straight down along the west side of the hiway going north. At this point I said,'That is definitely not an airplane' This thing was so, so strange I felt an instant and major upwelling of fear, apprehension, curiosity. As we continued watching it almost reached a hiway overpass and smoothly, quickly and deliberately crossed the hiway and turned 90 degrees to the south.I felt like it was very aware of the fact that we were watching it. It began coming right at us. My freind began sobbing as I pulled over. She just kept saying "keep going,don't stop, don't stop!"


Date is approximate. Witness elects to remain totally anonymous. PD

Posted 2005-02-22

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