NUFORC UFO Sighting 41901
Occurred: 2005-02-11 19:30 LocalReported: 2005-02-11 22:54 Pacific
Duration: 20 Seconds Each
No of observers: 2
Location: Hugo, OK, USA
Shape: Formation
Three oval lights were seen in 45 degree angle line (NW Sky), displayed for about 10 seconds and vanished.
Two witnesses in separate vehicles. One large orange/yellow light appeared hovering in NW sky for aprox. 20 seconds, did not move, then vanished. Too large to be landing lights or chopper lights. Then aprox. 3 minutes later another was spotted and repeated same actions, but was in NE sky. Then for the weird part, three oval lights (same attributes as others) were seen in 45 degree line (NW Sky), displayed for about 10 seconds and vanished. All seen by two separate people in separate vehicles on HWY 271 North.
Posted 2005-02-22
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