NUFORC UFO Sighting 41869
Occurred: 1968-04-10 17:00 LocalReported: 2005-02-09 20:57 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 0
Location: Munich (Oberschliessheim Army Airfield) (Germany), , Germany
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams, Aircraft nearby, Landed, Electrical or magnetic effects
I was in the military at the time part of withdrawal of the troops from Germany the date of the day might be wrong but it was on the weekend and I was on duty as a duty driver (C. Q. RUNNER) assigned to pick up solders at the movie theater at a another base (Warner Kaserne) I believe the base I was on was called Oberschleissheim Army Airfield it was a Nazi airport but since the war was an America base just outside Munich near a town called Hasenbergm they were building the Olympic stadium near it as I left the barracks driving a ford 2 ton truck because our equipment was being passed to other units I drove through some trees and wooded area with the runway off to my left about 1/3 mile away and almost parallel with it when I spotted the object disk shaped with a pulsating area the circumference of the disk about half of the area of it from the tip of the disk towards the center where the material appeared be a translucent silver there was assort of orange light like beam at the left of the object viewing it from the truck which stalled and all he lights dimmed I was frozen with fear or so it seemed for a unknown amount of time I remember just looking at it as it silently hovered off too my left in front of me eventually I started the truck drove it in reverse till I came to a group of swerves in the road where I k turned it and returned to the barracks and told some other people so we The guys I were with believed me and went with me to the movie theater at the other base and eventually we searched the area where I had guest it to be but found no trace the next day IT WAS NOT AN AIRCRAFT OR GLIDER and the report I believe kept me from making E5 A PROMOTION for 3 months or so It was towards the end of April or the beginning of was in plan sight about 200 300 yards from me.this links bellow is the map of th bases
Posted 2005-02-22
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