NUFORC UFO Sighting 41860

Occurred: 2004-09-15 22:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2005-02-09 12:38 Pacific
No of observers: 2

Location: Willow River, MN, USA


While watching a satelite (easy to spot in Northern Minnesota) Me and my girlfriend saw Three satelites crossing behind the one we were watching. One was in front and much further behind the other two followed the same distance apart. They formed a triangle as would three planes in that formation. No visable blinking, they were not alot brighter than the satelite we were watching. (I would just like to know if we have satelites that fly in formation) Nothing exciting here and I would rather it not get posted. This happened in September 2004.


Time and date are approximate. Witness may have observed an overflight of the three satellites that fly in formation, and which are thought to be part of the U. S. Navy "NOSS" satellite system. PD

Posted 2005-02-22

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