NUFORC Sighting 41669

Occurred: 2005-01-27 19:00 Local
Reported: 2005-01-29 08:37 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Abingdon, MD, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Emitted beams, Aircraft nearby

object emitting a brilliant solid white light beam in a reverse triangle pattern

I was observing stars on a cold and clear night out back of my house at approximately 1900. My attention was suddenly drawn to an object up at a very high altitude and directly overhead emitting a brilliant solid white light beam in front of it. The light was in a reversed triangular pattern coming from the object. A commercial aircraft started to approach the area and immediately the brilliant solid white light went out and all I could see was a very faint white light moving quickly forward towards the approaching commercial aircraft. It actually passed the commercial aircraft but at a much higher altitude. I finally lost sight of the object as it was traveling away faster and in the opposite direction of the approaching commercial aircraft. I had a chance to compare object to the commercial aircraft as they passed and noted no flashing lights and no sound. I did hear the sound from the commercial aircraft and of course it had flashing lights. I suspect object may have been a military aircraft but I'm not sure.

Posted 2005-02-08

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