NUFORC UFO Sighting 41640
Occurred: 2005-01-26 16:00 LocalReported: 2005-01-26 14:14 Pacific
Duration: still happening
No of observers: 3
Location: Minneapolis, MN, USA
Shape: Other
Many small white dots floating high above ground.
A string of white dots floating in the sky. Only certain dots would move, some moved suddenly quite quickly. Orginaly looked like stars. three dots were about three times as large as the rest. Originally they were in one long climbing line, but they grouped together. A large stratus cloud had just recently passed by, moveing quite slowly to the south, (I was positioned to the east of the city the dots were just south of the city, almost above it.) Behind the white dots was blue sky (sun was almost setting. We suspect that they might have been ballons but they were floating in class B airspace. If ballons floating at 2000 ft AGL (above ground level) Temp at ground level aprox. 22 degrees F.
Posted 2005-01-27
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