NUFORC UFO Sighting 41633
Occurred: 2001-01-22 19:45 LocalReported: 2005-01-25 16:16 Pacific
Duration: 40 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Frankford, DE, USA
Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Changed Colo
Very very bright light
Noticed a very bright light size of quarter at arms legnth about 100 yards above tree top. Light stationary as I noticed it did not move as I observed it thru branches on a tree. Intensely bright like a powerful floodlight above tee top level for 15 minutes or so. Light than accellerated in a second or so up mile or so than immediatly returned almost to the same place. I called my wife on my cell phone as I was working at this property then I callerd the Delaware State Police who did arrive as object shot up to where commercial air traffic is, (jet was flying over) united with second similar orb and slowly disappeard. A police report was filed.
Sighting Frankford DE is reported 1-2005 very very bright light. I reported this and it was 2001, not 2005. I did not report as anonymous, my name is - see below. I still think about that event and it has changed my life.
We will await further information. Possible advertising light?? Witness elects to remain totally anonymous. PD
Posted 2005-01-27
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