NUFORC UFO Sighting 41619
Occurred: 2005-01-24 07:00 LocalReported: 2005-01-24 14:07 Pacific
Duration: 10 sec
No of observers: 1
Location: Newtown, CT, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object
Classic cartoon flying saucer over Newtown woods
The object appeared hovering at a 45 degree angle above the woods behind my house. Not sure how high up the craft was but the trees are about 30 feet high. From my point of vision, the craft was about 2 inches across. The craft was shaped like a classic cartoon flying saucer -- round with colored lights all around it and a bubble shape on top. It appeared silver. It was silent and still for several seconds while the orange, red, yellow, and green square-shaped lights circled around it. It is unclear if the craft itself was spinning. I looked away and it was gone.
Posted 2005-01-27
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