NUFORC UFO Sighting 41579

Occurred: 2005-01-16 15:30 Local
Reported: 2005-01-20 20:04 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: South El Monte, CA, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Left a trail

5 circular disk-like objects; one with a blue disk-like object affixed to it moving back and forth half way around it continuously.

It was a warm suuny day and the sky was clear. Two friends and I just got back to my friend ((name deleted)) house in South El Monte from snowboarding at Mt. Baldy and we were relaxing in the jaccuzzi ...I just happened to look upwards into the sky and I seen two objects very high up in the sky. From what I can see with my bare eyes they were white specks in the sky. I thought perhaps they were balloons that someone let go but after a minute of observing them they were at the same spot. I told the guys but they couldn't see them until I pointed them out to them. The guys said they were stars but I told them that I know that stars are only visible at night and even at dawm or dusk (it was braod daylight!). Next, I jumped out of the jaccuzzi and ran inside the house to grab my binoculars and when I came back outside I looked through the binoculars and I saw 3 more high in the sky! I told them, "Hey! There's more!" and they didn't even want to talk about it anymore. However, my friend ((name deleted--witness #1)) got his binoculars and gave them to me because they had a better optical lens. When I looked up in the sky using his binoculars, I was able to distinguish that they were in fact circular disk-like form and white in colour and they moved slighty and when they moved they left a tiny trail which disappeared very quickly but I was not able to see the tiny trail without the binoculars; only one out of the 4 had what appeared to be a blue circular disk-like object sort of affixed to it moving half way around it back and forth. Furthermore, the other 4 moved slightly away from the one with the blue. Right away, I thought about God's Word and what Ezekiel described what he saw when God revealed himself to him and his description of highly polished bronze "flying wheels" with eyes (portholes) roundabout (all around). After about 5 minutes they were right above our location and the other 4 without the "blue" primarily stayed together while the one with the "blue" was at a distance from them. They were just hovering above us but they were way up there. About 5 minutes later they headed eastward and I lost sight of them.

Posted 2005-01-27

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