NUFORC UFO Sighting 41572

Occurred: 2005-01-18 03:33 Local
Reported: 2005-01-19 21:27 Pacific
Duration: 45sec
No of observers: 2

Location: Portland, OR, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

High altitude,large than any other aircraft,silent and no marker lights or st

I was looking at the mysterious white light in the sky as i have ben for the past 2 yrs. now. I also noticed several air craft inbound for PDX international airport.They where on approach with there landing lights on.As one of the commercial aircraft flew over I looked to the south to see how close the next incoming jet was. MY vantage point is on a hill with a view to the south down the willamette river valley. The sky was clear to the south and light overcast to the north. A 1/2 moon was in the west lighting up the 3:30 am sky.It was when I glanced to see the other incoming aircraft that I noticed a large object several miles south and appeared to be at a very high elevation. This object was approaching very fast. faster and higher than the incoming jets. The first thing I noticed was the speed and size of the object then I realized there where no lights or strobes. No identifying marker lights at all. it was grey in color as it reflected or was lightly illuminated from the moon just off to the west of the object. I calkled to my friend who was just inside the front door to come quick. he looked up and immeadetly saw what I was staring at.He said what the heck is that there is no lights.Did it just fly over the inbound traffic pattern.( we are within 12 miles of PDX international and well within the TCA) Neither one of us could figure out what we saw other than a huge un marked grey flat bottom solid shape,high, very high altitude,extremely fast flying and totally silent straight line flying object. It flew from south to north straight line and if it remained on this path it would have had to have flown directly over the end of the runnway in which the commercial aircraft where approaching.Surely PDX tower must have seen this,even if it was at extreme altitude. I assume they would have anyway?The object flew directly over head but dissapeared behind the thin cloud layer just to our north. This object was too big, too high. too unmarked by strobes or any attention getting visuale marking and too quiet,silent infact, to be anything identifiable although we both had a very clear and deffinate view of the craft.


We spoke with this witness, and he sounded both sincere and credible to us. We do not know what it was he witnessed. PD

Posted 2005-01-27

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