NUFORC UFO Sighting 4142

Occurred: 1998-06-27 20:06 Local
Reported: 1998-06-29 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 4

Location: East Amwell, NJ, USA

Shape: Circle

While playing football in the backyard with my sons, my 9 year old son asked me what i Thought this circular black mass in the sky was above the houses. I first thought a large helium filled baloon. However, when i looked thru binoculars the object moving at a fairly steady rate of speed appeared to have ridges on the outer part of it. The 5 minute interval sighting ended when the object entered a cloud and did not exit the other side.My only thoughts on this sighting was that it reminded me of a WWII mine or a satellite.I have no UFO experience nor did I ever see one till this night. I guess I was UFO lucky because one hour later I saw a different UFO which I will descibe in another entry.

Posted 1998-11-21

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