NUFORC UFO Sighting 41325

Occurred: 2004-12-31 21:20 Local
Reported: 2004-12-31 16:34 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 8

Location: Hastings (New Zealand), , New Zealand

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Electrical or magnetic effects

Hastings New Zealand. A slow moving bright orange cup shaped disk very clear and visible

At9.20pm on Friday 31 December 2004 we saw a bright orange glowing large updisde down cup shapped object. Like the shape of an upside down tea cup on a saucer. Moved under clouds quite slowly and very low to us then darted up on an angle and then turned letf and headed straight upwards.

Was clearly visible for around 15 minutes. We took photos but strangly all photos on the film berfore the event turned out as did all the photos after but the five photos taken from different positions etc came out totally blank on white paper with just the date on them.

Posted 2005-01-11

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