NUFORC UFO Sighting 41288
Occurred: 1997-10-01 21:30 Local - ApproximateReported: 2004-12-28 22:30 Pacific
Duration: -1 min
No of observers: 1
Location: Bourbonnais, IL, USA
Shape: Triangle
I was traveling home from visiting my dad in Carle Hospital on 113 heading towards Custer Park, IL. It was dark out I was in farm country but I could clearly see city lights of Bourbonais across the Kankakee River to my right.
I saw these light very slowly slowly crossing the trre line in front of me. I slowed way down to view them them came to a complete stop as it slowly passed over head and out of sight. I had rolled down the window of the car and stick my head out of the window, the thing made absoulutely no sound. It seemed very low to me and very large. There were lights on what I would call the leading edge of it. I seemed that it was either a delta wing plane or triangle. It is still very vivid in my memory. I have never seen anything like that befor or since then. I thought at first it was the goodyear blimp but it was much larger than that.
Date of sighting is approximate. PD
Posted 2005-01-19
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