NUFORC UFO Sighting 41257

Occurred: 2003-08-03 08:45 Local
Reported: 2004-12-25 20:10 Pacific
Duration: 10-12 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Raymore, MO, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

My son and I came out to the back of where we live and was only living there for a short time until our house was being built. So we looked off to the east and saw what looked like a cessna plane and what gets me about this is something I have witness several times before. They look like planes with the same light configuration but they fly way too slow to be up in the air and make no noise what so ever. So there was one coming and this one just had a red light and as it slowly past over you could see that there was another one same thing red light no noise then there was a third one. So as the last one past over it was about two minutes away and my son did not hear anything no sound at all. So I bent over for something and I looked over to the east again and then I seen something to convince me that I truly could not explain it was 3 lights shaped like a triangle and was flying sideways another words the lead light in the triangle was not in the front so it was flying sideways. So I asked my son do you see what I am seeing and he did not see it and I said it's right there and then he said I only see one light but not three. So I was frustrated by him not seeing the other two lights so I asked him to go get his brother and by that time wouldn't you know that it disappeared. However it must have flown over Whiteman Air Force Base. So I just wanted to say that since then I have seen other objects since then. But before then since the early 90's I have seen several planes that have made no noise and fly too slow to even be in the air.

Posted 2005-01-19

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