NUFORC UFO Sighting 41222
Occurred: 2001-07-15 20:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2004-12-21 20:17 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Orange Park, FL, USA
Shape: Disk
Disk in the sky above city
I was looking east when I noticed a disk like craft slowly drifting from South to norht and appeared to wable on it's Norht/South axis to approximadly 45 degrees left, then right. The disk seem pail gray in some fation but as it was night, I could not really tell you. I did not see any noticible lights or markings on this craft and it was unlike anything I have evern seen in my years of in the Military (9). The craft was moving slowly at or around 75 miles per hour. It was flying at a low altitude and seemed to be in front of some clouds and behind others. I watched it closely for nearly 3 minutes until it drifted out of sight, hidden by clouds.
Date of sighting is approximate. PD
Posted 2005-01-19
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