NUFORC UFO Sighting 40935
Occurred: 1966-07-15 22:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2004-12-04 05:32 Pacific
Duration: 10-15 seconds
No of observers: 6
Location: Malibu, CA, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
Huge triangler shape object seen up close over the tree line in the Malibu mountains in 1966
At the time this event happened I was attending a weekend summer camp put on by the Santa Monica Boys Club, in Santa Monica California. The camp was held in Santa Monica / Malibu mountains. This camp was only a Friday to Saturday night sleepover, returning late Sunday afternoon.
At the time this event happened I was about 10 or 11 years old. Most of the kids in the camp were a similar age, give or take a couple 3 years up or down. In any event this would make the year about 1966 or 67.
The night that this sighting happened, I and a small group of kids my age was walking back to the camp sight, which was a ranch where we bunked. I and a bunch of other young campers had just come from a scary story telling sessions by the camp counselors.
We had all sat around a camp fire, maybe 50 - 60 kids as they told us these stories. When the session broke up we all headed back along the trail by which we had came . This was a tree line trail where the trees, pine I think, were a least 75- 100 or so feet high, maybe even taller.
The elevation where we were at in the mountains was about 6500 feet. I remember this because the counselors told us the air was going to be very thin up where we were going when started the trip. It was very dark, but you could see by the star light okay. We might have had a flash light, but of that, I'm not sure of.
What happened next though I am sure of. I was walking back to camp with about 6 or 7 other boys about my age. The rest of the group with the counselor were spread out on the trail in front or behind us at some distance, but none were close enough to been seen, but could be heard. Suddenly, some one in our group spotted a bright light in the distance through the tree line.
We all thought it was a star, but someone said it way getting bigger. As we watched this light get bigger and bigger, very quickly, say in about five second or so, it went from looking like one of the stars in the night sky to a giant dark triangular shaped craft zooming directly over our heads in what appeared to be 2 - 3 hundred feet above the tree line.
It was huge. It was close. It made all most no sound, but it could be heard, like a whooshzz sort of sound, but definitely extremely quite for how close and large it was. The bottom of it was line with circular colored lights, I believe red, yellow/white, blue and may be green. They seemed to be flashing a bit.
As it passed over our heads we tracked it. Even though up close we only got a good 2-4 second look up close at it from front to back you could see all the detail in it. It was big like a football field. It disappeared in the distance in another three to five seconds, looking like a star again and that was it. We all turned to each other and said " wow, we just saw a ufo!" Strangely enough I don't recall us talking about it to much back at camp and I don't even recall if I ever mentioned it to my dad. But I can tell you this, to this day I can still see it in my mind as clearly as if it happened yesterday. I know what I saw.
As a side note about 15 years ago a friend of mine gave me Whitely Stribbers Communion book and told me I should read it. I really had no interest in it, but one night I felt strangely compelled to start reading it. I suddenly came across a passage where he starts describing the object I saw that night. I have since come to find that Art Bell has seen the same object. The thing that is most interesting to me was the time frame when I saw it, the mid 60's, and where, the Malibu mountains. I mean that still pretty close to a big city.
I have never seen anything since, but I have had two freakish events I kind of relate to that incident. The first is, I was house sitting a place in Mar Vista California around the time I started reading the Stribber book. The girl whose house it was, was a film editor. Before she left on her trip we were partying a little at her house. In the bed room she had big sliding doors. Now I admit we were a little drunk but she swears she saw a ufo looking up from her bed through those doors while we were talking. She got very scared. And for some reason, I to seem to get unnaturally scared. For the next week as I house sit at her place I could not go to sleep before dawn. I was terrified every night.
The second event was about 5 years ago. I thought I woke up and saw a gray alien, the ones with the big eyes standing by my side of the bed. My girlfriend was asleep. I got the distinct impression that he (why do I think it was a "He"? ) was surprised I woke up. I got mad and I punched him in the face, then I suddenly fell back to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, I thought that was a strange dream.
Some how I've always thought that these event's were connected, but the first one is the only one I can be sure that happened.
Posted 2004-12-14
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