NUFORC UFO Sighting 40295

Occurred: 1994-07-01 00:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2004-10-30 20:30 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Placentia, CA, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Emitted other objects

Mistaken for the moon, the light gave birth to others and "danced" in the night sky.

On a beautiful July evening as my husband and I returned from a night out (No alcohol was involved). We pulled our car up to the curb ourside our home. The weather had been clear until this time when clouds began to roll in from the southeast. Then as he parked the car I became enthralled at the full moon overhead, hidden behind the clouds, and I began starring at it intently. All, the while I'm watching the moon I'm thinking how big, bright, and beautiful it is. Also, where did these clouds come from? Then it suddenly occured to me that the "real" moon was located in that exact spot probably 5 hours prior - "how could this be the moon?", I think to myself, as I'm standing on the sidewalk musing to myself. No sooner did this thought materialize when the object (as if it heard my thoughts)jetted off to the west then stopped. It was no longer overhead but slightly west of my location at this time. The "clouds" are emitting a light rain. Now the "moon" appears to give birth to other lights of the same color, size and intensity. These new lights (ever changing numbers - up to 22 or so) then began a "dance" of sorts. They arranged themselves in 2 crescent shape lines of 5 or so, mirroring each other, with 6 or so others flanking their sides. Then they would "scramble" and rearrange themselves in a similar fashion - just slightly different than the last - then scramble again. They appeared as children - playing in the rain. This went on for 30 minutes or so. All the while I am watching this I'm strangely calm which is not my nature really. I wanted very badly to run in the house for the camera but was afraid I'd miss the opportunity of a lifetime for want of proof.

This is my first ever time to report this publicly and I only do so now because I've recently been haunted by the fact that that damned light actually "read" my mind! I dont like that thought and everytime I look at a full moon I'm afraid they're back to suck my mind. I keep a careful watch on where the moon is whenever I'm ouside.

I am a simple housewife - I am not a scientist nor do I have a college degree. My background is that of waitress and picture framer. My husband is a truck driver/mechanic. I'm not prone to fabricating stories for attention. In fact you'll notice I didnt even report this right away nor did I even discuss it with my husband til recent years. That fact is still puzzling to me.


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2004-11-02

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