NUFORC UFO Sighting 39563

Occurred: 1981-06-11 18:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2004-09-29 22:24 Pacific
Duration: 30 min.
No of observers: 2

Location: Providence, RI, USA

Shape: Diamond
Characteristics: Lights on object

A sighting at a distance of 30 feet

This sighting was seen about 23 years ago, so the time, and actual date, are going to be at my best estimation, however, the event is etched in my mind ever so clearly.

It was around 6:00 P.M., and me and my girlfriend at the time were sitting out on the porch of a third floor tenement, these type of apartments are common in the Providence, RI, area.

I was facing towards the east, at a distance of about 2 miles from the ocean.

I noticed three bright lighting groups out in the distance of about 1/4 of a mile or so to the left of where I was sitting, At first I thought that it could be airplanes, but the objects just stood still, so I knew right away that they were not airplanes.

Being that they were motionless caught my attention a little, but at that time I thought that they were just helicoptors.

The lights being unusually bright, as well as not moving, kept me looking at them just out of curiosity, just wondering what they were doing there in a group like that, it was just unusual and something to look at while we were sitting there on the porch.

Then the lights seperated in different directions, and one of them was heading straight towards us.

By now I was standing up and looking hard at this bright object coming at us, needless to say I was now at a more heightened state of curiosity than before, however, for a brief moment I still thought that it could be just a helicoptor, but being that I was on a third floor apartment which is about tree level high, making the object eye level to us, and due to the fact that the object was not very far away at this time, and making no noise, got me staring very intently at this thing coming right at us, by now I knew that it could not be a helicoptor, but I was saying what the hell could it be? I kept watching as the object approached, (moving very slowly I might add), until it was right in front of us, at a distance of no more than 30 feet, yes, VERY CLOSE to say the least.

The object passed right in front of us completly at EYE LEVEL, making NO MISTAKE about what it was that we were seeing.

It was diamond shaped with a bright white light in the front, a bright red light on the side, and another bright white light in the back. (I never did get to see the opposite side but I assume that it was the same as the side that I could see).

It made absolutely NO SOUND whatsoever, and being THAT CLOSE I was amazed.

I honestly started to wave at the object in a welcoming gesture completely unafraid for some reason, hoping that I would get some sort of response from the operators of the flying diamond, however I got no type of recognition that I could see, I was disappointed at that.

The object just kept on moving ever so slowly until it just went to a distance of about 1/2 of a mile or so and then just disappeared.

I have only told a couple of people about the sighting, and one response was that I was seeing a stealth bomber, can you imagine not hearing a stealth bomber at 30 feet away? and not recognizing it? one would have to be blind and an absolute idiot! Also I was told that I saw a helicoptor, same reasoning, I said to the people that I mistakingly told, "did you not hear what I said that I was only 30 or so feet away from it?" (now I tell no one, this is the only outlet that I have used in many years, keeping this information in is hard) Since that time I have seen two more sightings, but none as dramatic as that one because of the amount of time that the incident took (around 30 minutes), and also the distance that I was to the sighting, making it as sure as I am about anything that I can see.

I am glad to have this chance to get this off my chest, for it is not healthy to keep something like this in, but one cannot talk openly about this type of thing without people saying some stupid remark, so I just keep it to myself.


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2004-10-27

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