NUFORC UFO Sighting 39300

Occurred: 2004-09-14 22:15 Local
Reported: 2004-09-15 06:49 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes or more
No of observers: 2

Location: Irving, TX, USA

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object

Dancing lights in the sky for more than 20 minutes in a populated DFW skyline.

At approximately 22:15 I went outside my house to smoke a cigarette. As I glanced up at the sky I saw a light that appeared to float across the sky. At first I thought it may be a plane, but it's brightness dimmed and the object turned sharply and shot across in a different direction and dissapeared. Immediately after, two more objects came into view and seemed to fly in tandem and then they circled and shot away. As I kept on watching these objects seemed to dance in the sky in the same general area. It was cloudy, so I thought they may have been birds, but the more I watched, I could tell they were flying in front and behind the clouds while illuminating brightly and then dimly. Some appeared to be triangular in shape, but only when at their brightest. I watched for a couple of more minutes and saw up to five of these objects dancing around the sky. I was facing north west from my home and distance was very hard to judge, but it appeared they were in the proximity of the DFW airport. I did not want to be alone in the sighting, so I called to my wife to look, she was asleep, but I still called to her to look. It took her a couple of minutes to shake away the sleep, but the objects were still there. After she began to see what I pointed to, she was asking if they were planes. I saw a plane flying and pointed out that the plane was moving at about 1/3 of the speed of these objects and that the objects flight patterns were erratic at best. What amazed me even more was that the intensity of the brightness seem to come in phases. It was difficult looking through the clouds, but there were definitely five at one time that appeared, danced around each other and moved at high speeds away from each other and together. I watched with my wife for about another 10 minutes until I decided to get my digital camera. It was dark, so nothing came out, but I wanted to try anyway. We watched for a total of about 20 minutes until I was positive that what I had seen was not an illusion or my imagination. I am 35 years old and in all my life I have never seen any such objects in the sky with such speed and intensity. I was so amazed the hairs on my body were standing straight up.

Posted 2004-09-29

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