NUFORC UFO Sighting 39298

Occurred: 2004-09-16 07:50 Local
Reported: 2004-09-15 05:15 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Wallingford, VT, USA

Shape: Sphere

round anomolies.

i was up early for a doctors appointment. my home is located on a high hill with a beutiful view over looking the town. i was in my room on the second floor using the computer when i glanced out the window at something that caught the corner of my eye. it was then that i noticed a black sphere anywhere from 1-3 miles away. id guess two thousand feet from the ground. it intrigued me, so i watched it for a minute, the object was round in shape, and was moving extremely slowly upward... MUCH slower then any plane or helicopter ive ever seen in this valley... (wallingford is located about five miles from an airport.) after a minute of watching this object, i was puzzled, i saw no tail or wings as youd expect on a conventional aircraft, so i ran downstairs and grabbed a set of binoculars. once i got back to my perch at my window, i imediatley noticed the object was getting furthur away. once i got it into focus, the floater seemed to have no defining details. in fact, it almost looked two dimensional. then, i saw a second of the same description slowly fly towards it. after only a few seconds of seeing the two objects, they disapeered behind a tree near my window. i tried to move to a better vantage point but couldnt see them. pretty weird stuff. never seen anything like it around here.

Posted 2004-09-29

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