NUFORC UFO Sighting 39062
Occurred: 2004-09-01 20:34 LocalReported: 2004-09-02 10:04 Pacific
Duration: 2 Minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Providence, RI, USA
Shape: Egg
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Two Oval/Egg shaped objects over Providence sky
wen't out to my Back Yard with my Girlfriend and Dog to Water the Flowers and to do a little Star Gazing as we do every night i was looking at the northen sky when i Spotted 2 Oval or Egg shaped Object's Through my nightVision Burnoculars Traveling from North to south at first i tought it was something on my lense so i wiped of the lense but they were still there , So i mentioned it to my Girlfriend to see if she could see the samething that i was seeing and she confirmed it ,these 2 objects were traveling in sinc with each other and Diagnoly one on top and the other on Bottom ,the top on seemed like it was Pulling the one below it they both were the same shape and had this glow in Color ,i tracked the object's Towards a Southernly Direction Towards Warwick in a straight line then they wen't off Course in a westerly Direction then Back to it's original Course it was like they were trying to Avoid a Collision with something at a high rate of speed ,then they Reduced there Speed almost to a complete Stop and then Vanished , The whole Time i witness this event i had a Clear and unobstructed View of the night Sky and These Object's , the sighting lasted for 2 minutes they made no noise and about and Estimated hight of 10,000 Feet .
Posted 2004-09-09
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