NUFORC UFO Sighting 38956
Occurred: 2004-08-28 21:30 LocalReported: 2004-08-29 07:56 Pacific
Duration: fifteen minutes
No of observers: 20
Location: Raleigh, NC, USA
Shape: Light
Dim, sporadic, fast moving lights over park
We were at a park in Raleigh. Everyone started pointing at something in the sky. Way above us, very dim, I spotted something that looked like a star--very dim. There were three or four star-like objects. At first, I thought it might be a shooting star, but they started moving in multiple directions, rapidly accelerating and changing direction with no discernable purpose. I looked away to watch a band play at the park, and when I looked again, they were gone. The other twenty or so people who looked up and could spot them were amazed. It really freaked a few people out. I had nothing to drink and no other mind-altering substances. I'm sure several of the other witnesses had, however. Still, I just wanted to tell someone.
Posted 2004-09-01
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