NUFORC UFO Sighting 3876
Occurred: 1998-06-07 22:00 LocalReported: 1998-06-09 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 8
Location: Cornville, AZ, USA
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Landed
Large object, possibly a meteor or space debris flew into view in the southern sky, between Cornville and Phoenix, Az .
Large object, possibly a meteor or space debris flew into view in the southern sky, between Cornville and Phoenix, Az . Cornville is about 80 miles north of Phoenix, and 20 miles south of Sedona.There was a full moon that night, so the stars was hard to see, but not this object.It appeared to be very close about thirty to sixty miles away. It was very bright like a meteor but 500 hundred times brighter and closer. Even considering it was a full moon.When it descended below the tree line I lost sight of the object. One second later it then appeared to hit the earth. At the time of impact there were two bright burst of light, from what appeared to be the point of impact. No sound was heard. It was Truly Breathtaking. I have not heared any news reports about the incident.
Posted 1998-06-18
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