NUFORC UFO Sighting 38712
Occurred: 1985-04-19 21:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2004-08-16 23:56 Pacific
Duration: 3-5 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Austin (near), TX, USA
Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object
Glowing green "football" suddenly appears & then accelerates to nothingness
I was driving from Houston to Austin using a rural road, I think it was road 71 and I was about 10-15 minutes from seeing Austin's city lights. I remember that sometimes when getting to Austin using this road I would see the military jets landing at Bergstrom AFB. It was about 9:30 pm or so, it was pitch dark and a bit cloudy. So I am driving when, suddenly, I see through the top of my windshield this object that looked like a football, glowing bright green, so much so that the green light reflected off the few clouds above. This reflection made it real for me at that moment because my brain said, "this cannot be imagined, the light is actually reflecting off the clouds!" And I remember thinking that the object could not have been too high off the ground, maybe 300-400 feet off the ground or so it seemed. It was flying the same direction I was driving and I was startled to say the least. So I leaned forward on the steering wheel to see it better when, suddenly, it just shoots off towards Austin extremely fast and doesn't go more that 20 yards before it just disappears.
I was utterly fascinated, I think I noticed a car in front of me a couple of hundred yards but it didn't stop. So I pulled over, just to see the whole sky and to, I guess, get a grip on reality by just looking at the spot where I had witnessed this event. So I am standing next to the car, looking at the sky, when to my left, across the road, into the forest, in the distance, I noticed like smoke and glowing red/orange lights; it looked like a fire but I was not sure. I think I then climbed onto the hood of the car to have a better look when all of a sudden I felt fear, a gripping fear that made me think, "hey, you better get out of here, get in the car and get out of here, this is just too weird." I got back into the car and drove outta there and didn't stop till I got to Austin and told my girlfriend about it.
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2004-08-24
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