NUFORC UFO Sighting 38672

Occurred: 1995-08-15 16:00 Local
Reported: 2004-08-15 11:12 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Aleppo (Syria), , Syria

Shape: Disk

A huge UFO sighting from Syria

I was sitting on a chair on the top of a 6 floor building. Suddenly I saw a disk shaped craft flying quietly and slowly in the sky. It was huge in size. I estimated its size to be like a soccer field size. It had windows decorated with arches. The color was degrees of brown colors. I stood up and punched my hand to be sure I wasn't dreaming. After a few minutes the craft began to disappear starting by its front (I mean from the direction it was heading to) just as an eraser was erasing it from the sky. When it was erased completely I went to the street and asked the neighbors about wither they saw it. No one saw it. After a few months one neighbor who lived in the next building in a high floor and is not very smart said that he saw the same view and remembered the beautiful decorations of the windows.

Posted 2004-08-24

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