NUFORC UFO Sighting 38569

Occurred: 2004-08-09 04:45 Local
Reported: 2004-08-10 10:49 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes

Location: Sacramento, CA, USA

Shape: Light

Bright light near Venus

Starting at the time above I saw a bright light. I was in Sacramento. It was about 5 degrees north of Venus, about 2 degrees lower to the horizon and about 4 times as bright. I watched it for about 10 minutes to see if it might be an airplane, but it didn't move. Then, at one point I looked away for about half a second and looked back and it was gone.

Last night, at about 04:00, my girlfriend called me from Placerville and asked it I saw a similar object. I was in Sacramento and driving west at the time and didn't but then turned around and it was there again, in the same place as the night before. While we were talking, it just blinked out, and nothing. This one was also for about 10 minutes.

We are way out (50 miles) from any airport and this light was so far away, it appeared to be a star, just very bright.

Are you aware of any similar reports?


We presume the witness means a date of August 09, 2004, and we have amended the date above. PD

Posted 2004-08-11

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